4 easy ways to save energy

When you’re responsible for an office or commercial building, energy bills can be one of your biggest headaches. So here are a few ideas to reduce those costs… and protect the environment at the same time.

1. Upgrade to LED lighting

LED lights are much more efficient than traditional bulbs. They last longer, use less power and produce a lot of light. And the latest generation of LEDs are more affordable than ever before.

Did you know that LED lights can also make your office more productive? LED bulbs imitate natural sunlight, which helps you feel awake. A study from the University of Michigan found that commercial buildings with LED lighting had higher productivity levels.

2. Install smart controls

You can minimise energy bills by being smart about switching off lights and saving electricity. Look into smart controls for lighting and HVAC systems. With a smart system, you can turn the lights off with a tap of your mobile phone – you don’t even have to be in the office.

In many offices, computer screens eat up a lot of power after hours. The low-tech way of solving this problem is encouraging people to switch their devices off every day. But if you want a more reliable solution, try monitor power management software. You can turn off everyone’s screen with this central programme.

3. Check your insulation

Good insulation is key to saving on your energy bills. From roof insulation to correctly fitted windows, the smallest details can make a big difference to your electricity usage. Even a new set of window blinds can improve insulation in a commercial building and reduce your costs.

4. Stay up to date with HVAC servicing

If your HVAC systems are worn out, damaged or even just dusty – then your power bills will go up. Regular HVAC servicing saves a lot of money in the long term. Your air conditioning maintenance team can also give you tips on energy efficiency for your specific building.

Want to save more on energy bills for a commercial building? Brophy Air offers the best HVAC repair and maintenance services to fit your budget. Call us today!

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Rethinking Commercial HVAC Strategy - Brophy Air Specialty Group LLC

Rethinking Commercial HVAC Strategy

Why is a proactive operating strategy not just a nice thought but an imperative initiative as it relates to your commercial HVAC system?

The Status Quo

Day in and day out, I meet with property managers and owners in Miami to show them how Brophy Air can take them from a reactive to a proactive operating strategy as it relates to their commercial HVAC equipment. I often receive the same feedback: “We would love to be in a proactive strategy but we currently do not have the money or funds to invest in our HVAC equipment.”

Reactive Vs. Proactive Strategies commercial HVAC

What many individuals do not realize is that a reactive operating strategy results in higher lifetime costs, shortened equipment life and a lot of painful situations that result in unnecessary emergencies. I mean, I understand them, I suffer from this too as a consumer. This is called hyperbolic discounting, the tendency for people to increasingly choose a smaller-sooner reward over a larger-later reward. When thinking about your commercial HVAC system, it is easier to discount potential large future expenses than justify higher short term operating and/or capital expenses.

Benefits of a proactive strategy

  1. Reduce potential system issues: Commercial HVAC equipment performance will be more reliable resulting in less emergencies. Any emergencies will be smaller in size reducing overall repair costs and equipment downtime.
  2. Extend equipment life: There is less wear and tear on the equipment when it runs efficiently. The longer the equipment lasts, the smaller need for capital expenses.
  3. Stabilize costs: This allows Brophy Air to offer a flat fee for all your commercial HVAC needs providing you complete cost predictability.
  4. Transfer of risk: This allows Brophy Air to assume risk and responsibility for your mechanical equipment. Therefore, you can focus on what you do best rather than spending time worrying about your HVAC system.
  5. Building comfort: Maintains your tenants and your employees comfortable and productive.

Overall, a proactive strategy allows you to reduce costs and increase productivity of your organization.

Lean on Us

If you sit down and run the numbers, you will realize that a proactive strategy will actually help you save money over the long-term. You can use these extra funds to invest in other initiatives or increase your bottom-line.

We at Brophy Air actually perform this analysis for you as we know you are very busy with other concerns.

Ultimately, our programs allow you to significantly:

Call us to schedule a 30-minute consultation.

Gabriel Rodriguez

Rich results on Google's SERP when searching for 'commercial HVAC'
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